You are not alone. We believe that through prayer we not only can talk to God, but actually petition Him. In the same way, in times of listening we believe God can speak to us through the Holy Spirit. We want to join you as we seek God together as a Church and hear from the Holy Spirit as a body of Christ.
Petitioning is asking God to change something. Sometimes our petitions are things in which we are in need of. Sometimes it is something we desire to see changed or a person we would like to see find Jesus. In any case the Bible encourages us to lay our burdens at the feet of Jesus (Matthew 11:28). We may not always get what we want, but he does not leave us alone (Luke 11:11). He is with us and comforts us. We also believe that just like Moses, our prayers can move God to action (Numbers14:11-20). Let us join you in praying for change in your life and in our county.
Prayer is a two way communication. Not only does God hear your prayers but he also answers you. Sometimes we are too busy to take the time to listen. When we do powerful things can happen. God says He speaks to us (Luke 10:27). He says the Holy Spirit is our teacher (John 14:26) and will remind us of his teachings. He also says, not only does He answer our prayers, but also gives gifts to edify His Church (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians 4). We are asking you to join with us in asking the question; What could happen in the county if we REACH the lost, RESTORE the broken, RAISE disciples and RELEASE the equipped? What is God moving us towards? As the Whole body of Christ at Framework we want to hear what the Spirit is saying to you. As we are praying for this together He may reveal something to you through answering a prayer or a movement of the Holy Spirit. Join us in seeking and listening to what God has for us.